YouTube Videos on Evidence-based Approaches & More

The Art of Helping by Bert Hellinger (Epigentics)

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime (General Trauma Information)

It Didn’t Start with You (Epigentics)

Secret to Release Trauma from the Body (General Trauma Information)

The Body Keeps the Score (General Trauma Information)

Integrating Somatic Approaches to Trauma with ‘Parts’ Language (Somatic Experiencing)

Using Neurofeedback to Treat PTSD & Substance Abuse (Neurofeedback)

What is Eye-movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

The Repair of Early Trauma: A Bottom Up Approach (General Trauma Information)

6 Ways to Heal Trauma without Medication (Bessel van der Kolk)

What is Internal Family Systems (IFS)? A therapy that brings into harmony the indeterminate number of sub-personalities/parts that we all have

Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) is a music-centered, consciousness-expanding therapy developed by Helen Bonny

Mandala Assessment Research Institute (MARI) A mandala is any rendering within any circle and is a container of consciousness

Network Chiropractics An approach to chiropractics that relaxes your nervous system allowing you to show up differently to stress

Heartmath creating a harmonious (coherence) within your system. Finding coherence within ourselves producing energy.

Brainspotting with David Grand PhD. A method introduced in 2013 that is still being researched, but is found to help with trauma.

Stellate Ganglion Block that was created by Dr. Eugene Lipov and is having stunning results in treating PTSD.