How Does Someone with Complex PTSD Behave?

What is Complex PTSD?

To understand how a person will behave, it helps to first understand more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). Individuals who have PTSD or C-PTSD share many symptoms. To meet the criteria for PTSD the individual has to have been indirectly or directly exposed to a traumatic event resulting in a death or leaving a person feeling like their life or someone else's life was in immediate danger. 

They also must meet the following criteria for a minimum of 30 days, not because of a medication/substance and/or illness, and it is negatively impacting aspects of their life; specifically, they... 

  • Re-experiences the event in one or more ways (e.g., memories, nightmares, flashbacks, etc.)

  • Avoids reminders of the traumatic event

  • Experiences negative thoughts or feelings that began or became worse after the traumatic event (e.g., difficulty remembering aspects of the event)

  • Has an increase in arousal or reactivity after the traumatic event (e.g., hyper-vigilance, difficulty sleeping)

If a person has the above symptoms, they should seek evaluation and treatment for PTSD. And, if a person meets the criteria for PTSD and also meets some or all of the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder many experts believe they may best be classified by a diagnosis of Complex PTSD.

What are the most common symptoms of C-PTSD? 

  1. Extreme emotions or mood swings

  2. Difficulty calming down when angry 

  3. Self destructive behaviors like self harm, substance abuse, etc 

  4. Suicidal thoughts 

  5. Risk taking behavior in sex 

  6. Wanting to be perceived like a dare devil 

  7. Not being able to remember parts of your life   

Continue to read the most common symptoms of Complex PTSD and more…


Complex PTSD: How do you know if you’re dissociating?


How Do You Comfort the Grieving?